





在會議上,Paul Roetzer (@paulroetzer),研究所的創始人和MAICON的創造者,與7位領先的AI專家坐下來討論未來的營銷趨勢和實施AI的技巧。你可以通過下載四集的播客來收聽這些對話麥孔係列講座或者你也可以點擊下麵的鏈接來了解一下。

如果你錯過了第一集:查看總理郵報以Karen Hao (@_KarenHao),高級AI報告麻省理工學院技術評論和卡爾·杜拜布(@caldhubaib), Pandata的首席數據科學家。

如果你錯過了第二集:在第二集中,羅蘭·麥克唐納(@LorenMcDonald)、Acoustic和Mike Kaput (@MikeKaput),營BETVlCTOR1946伟德銷AI研究所討論了如何開始內容和電子郵件的營銷AI。閱讀這一集的要點或聽完整的節目在這裏

有關持續的營銷AI知識,請訂閱我們的營銷AI研究所通訊,並加入我們BETVlCTOR1946伟德麥孔20207月14 - 16日在克利夫蘭舉行。




更多關於米奇:本文作者Mitch Joel是Six Pixels Group的創始人,這是一家專注於商業和創新的谘詢、投資和內容製作公司。他的第一本書,六像素的分離這本書以他成功的博客和播客命名,是一本商業和營銷暢銷書。他的第二本書,任務管理刪除,被亞馬遜評為2013年最佳商業書籍之一。


保羅:大家好,我是Paul Roetzer,營銷AI研究所的創始人,也是營BETVlCTOR1946伟德銷AI大會(MAICON)的創建者。MAICON旨在幫助市場營銷領導者在他們的組織中理解、試驗和擴展AI。


有50多名演講者,包括來自Facebook、均富、HubSpot、IBM、MIT Technology Review、Publicis Sapient、軟銀機器人、名典公司和Yext的演講者。






保羅: Mitch Joel, Six Pixels Group的創始人,這是一家專注於商業和創新的谘詢、投資和內容生產公司。他的第一本書《Six Pixels of Separation》以他成功的博客和播客命名,是一本商業和營銷暢銷書。米奇向我們介紹了他的公司:



米奇這和我第一次看到Web瀏覽器時的感覺一模一樣。我認為它會比這更大。如果你看看現在發生了什麼,我會說。語音是最好的用戶體驗……這是我們擁有的最好的用戶界麵。現在你可以回到像《星際迷航》這樣的東西,你知道電腦。我們很快就意識到,當它與人工智能相匹配並做得很好時,確實是這樣。現在和未來,我說現在是因為現在很多人想到Alexa或Siri或穀歌home時,他們想到的是那些豆莢、那些揚聲器、那些小球,它們隨機地放在桌子上,你用它們來控製東西,我們像施了虐待者一樣對它們吼叫,說,做這個,做那個,它們就會做這些事情。我們可能沒有意識到的是,市場空間正在真正爆發,德勤表示,到2019年底,也就是我們所在的2019年,市場上將有兩億五千萬智能音箱。但更強大的是它背後的技術這種語音技術目前被部署在30億到50億的設備上在未來的四五年內它將擴展到80億。 So it's everything from your smartphone to your watch to whatever else has voice enabled technology. This leads me to a theory or thesis that and it's not mine alone it's sort of commonly helped trope amongst people who love this stuff is that writing really will be relegated to people who are writers and I write so I can see myself sort of typing and clicking away on a keyboard but otherwise our interaction with technology will be completely voice driven and there's a reason we're seeing the thing companies the Facebook Amazon apples Netflix and Googles of the world. Really paying a lot of attention to this space. So again we think of things like Alexa and go Wow we know Alexa and we see the echoes and the pluses and the shows and all that. Well people may not realize is that currently Alexa employs 10000 people. With like two or three thousand openings. Like that's a lot of people full time from Amazon. Pumping away at this and it's a world where even Apple with Siri while a lot of people use Siri because it's on their smartphones they haven't really even pulled the trigger on the voice assistant component of it which is going to happen really soon I think. And so it's it's a massive massive industry and really all we're going to do is talk to attack the way we talk to one another.


米奇我從事市場營銷工作已經有三十年了,從傳統的雜誌出版一直到最新最前沿的數字技術,我都做過。當我想到。市場營銷我們經常談論了解你的品牌的聲音。你知道什麼是你的什麼是它如何在市場上產生共鳴它在市場上給人的感覺是我今天要在營銷人工智能上第一次展示的一件事就是我們將從仍然需要的品牌語音轉變為品牌語音。就像每個品牌都需要有一個語音品牌,這將通過無數的營銷方式發生。入站語音品牌會是有人主動尋找的保險單。你知道Alexa不能給你最好的保險,所以現在突然之間,無論什麼東西回來,都要在品牌上弄清楚這對他們來說是付費還是付費的時刻。阿麗克西斯,亞馬遜和穀歌的圍牆花園是他們的出口。我們的語音品牌是什麼樣的。聽起來像什麼? Is it a celebrity is it female is it male is it androgynous what's the tone of it is it happy is it very positive is it we are going to have to figure out now not just our brand voice which is that sort of feeling but our voice brand like what does it what does our brand actually sound like. And that's going to be a massive shift. And if you see again some of the interesting data that I'm going to be showing today is 30 percent of all searches on Google are going to be done without a screen by the end of this year. So imagine what does that mean. It means that people are using their voice assistant technology on their smartphones or on their smart speakers to ask Google questions that they would have traditionally typed in. So now if you think about that from a marketing perspective you're suddenly in a double world of a voice. Search optimization you're in a space a voice search marketing because if you can't optimize to be the first result. If someone asks for it you have to be optimized on the media paid side to to get there. So the impact on brands is going to be massive. I think it's going to be as massive if not bigger than the impact of the web was like suddenly brands had to have a face and build a website and then they had to be social and be mobile then they needed e-commerce. That's going to be a whole new world when it comes to interacting in this voice based world. I should also say that it's not just voice because the truth is that there is screens like in the voice space. They have this thing called multi-modal and multi-modal would be things like B if you've ever seen the echo show which is sort of like a screen or it looks almost like an alarm clock. But that technology again is going to be persistent and pervasive where you you won't really look at a television and go that's a television it's going to be a fully interactive screen with voice. So now imagine you're in the kitchen and you could literally cook along with a celebrity chef. And and it's so intelligent because the power of A.I. it's not like this is how you make a brownie it's like you could input the entire meal. And it'll tell you like it'll take the whole meal probably show you everything and so that you know like Oh when you're making your entree that's when you're going to start getting ready for your main dish whatever it might be. So that the impact of it from that side is going to be just massive.





米奇:繼續開始。我的意思是,現在還處於早期階段,我認為絕大多數被定位為人工智能的東西不一定是真正的人工智能。我認為有很多非常聰明的人你應該追隨他們比如克裏斯托弗·s·佩恩他今天也在這裏還有其他對這個基地非常有熱情的人。我的意思是,昨晚我真的和Chris Penn喝了幾杯他說了五件事我不知道他在說什麼,不是關於複雜的想法而是平台和API是那些在那裏,你真的意識到我不在那裏,我不在那裏。我希望我能坐在這裏告訴你們你們應該做的五件事答案是我會從維基百科搜索開始來理解我們在談論的人工智能和機器學習之間的區別是什麼。他們是如何合作的誰是玩家。他們在做什麼?在為其中一些公司提供建議和投資方麵,我個人扮演了更積極的角色。聽著,我可能會把我的錢堆成一堆,然後把它燒了。但是我正在學習。 And it's this sort of cost of education that I prefer to venture down which is invest in people who are doing it and try and get some actionable items and knowledge out of it. And that's always the best place to start is learn be what I would call an info for you know just be really you know hungry and ravenous for more information about the space.



我是Paul Roetzer, PR2020的所有者和首席執行官,MAICON的創始人。感謝收聽人工智能營銷播客。如果你喜歡今天與來自今年MAICON活動的Mitch Joel的討論,我鼓勵你在MAICON.ai上查看我們2020年的活動。這個年度會議在克利夫蘭舉行,聚集了市場營銷和人工智能領域的領先專家。我們希望在那裏見到你。



音頻工程師:Sean Rule-Hoffman, Dave Douglas和Eric Koltnow


麥孔- 2020 - 2




收聽在營銷人工智能大會(MAICON)現場錄製的播客係列。在本集中,保羅就市場營銷的未來采訪了Tameka Vasquez和David Meerman Scott。

營銷人工智能大會(MAICON) 2020讚助套件現已推出

熱門的年輕| 2019年9月17日



熱門的年輕| 2020年1月31日

